我們投入防火防爆領域堅持品質最佳化,不斷吸收新知並開發新型產品,為不同層級客戶量身打造最佳規劃,從諮詢到設計,協助預算規劃,到配合建築師製圖,現場工程完工,也協助業主進行教育訓練,彼此分享經驗與心得.目前已服務過許多高科技產業 防爆實驗室設計建置,化工產業防爆區劃,銀行業金庫防爆門,軍用彈藥庫防爆門,豪宅安全避難室防爆門,台電核四防彈門等.


We are manufacturer specialized in the field of blast-resistance and explosion-protection in Taiwan. Our services include making the best planning for the customization based on different levels of specially, from consulting to the design, help budget planning, cooperating with architecture maps, on-the-spot project completion, and to assistant owners carry on education and training as well. At present, we have already served many of Hi-Tech industries, chemical industry, banking, the military unit, etc..

" 社團法人台北縣達觀靜禪協會","財團法人忠義育幼院",及"中嶺山內心教育基金會"期盼社會邁向安定和諧,未來隨著事業群的茁壯,將投入更多心力回饋公益.

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